Board on America Library-海洋奇緣Moana 查看預覽
失去了紐西蘭玉之心的海洋女神塔菲緹,使得海洋與自然界失去了平衡與秩序。於是Moana 與半神毛伊開始了他們的旅程。旅程充滿著善解人意、智慧與勇氣,給予我們很多啟發。他們將如何成功克服阻礙
與重重困難? 如何將彼此的誤會與不信任,化解為深刻的友誼?
Due to the loss of heart of Te Fiti, the ocean lost the balance of nature. Moana and demigod Maui’s journey was full of kindness, wisdom, courage and inspiration. How did they successfully overcome obstacles and difficulties? How did the distrust become solid friendship? Let’s enjoy the cheerful atmosphere and exciting exotic journey in Disney Animation Moana!
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